Monday, May 28, 2018

This Viral Rihanna Illusion Is Seriously NSFW

Another week, another mind-blowing illusion that's sweeping the Internet. 

Last week we had the Yanny vs Laurel debacle, shortly followed by Brainstorm or Green Needle-gate.


This week, Rihanna has been caught up in a viral audio illusion and it's quite NSFW, and seriously weird.

In an old song, it appears that Rihanna is singing "I'm a big f*cking sl*t" rather than the less-NSFW lyrics "I'm a paper chaser".


If you go back and listen to it a few times, whilst thinking of each phrase in turn, you can probably make it change between the two quite easily. Just like with the Green Needle/Brainstorm toy.

She's not really saying "I'm a big f*cking sl*t" at all, of course. Those aren't the lyrics we've come to expect from Riri. She's saying "I'm a paper chaser".

So what's going on, and why can you hear both?

In this next clip, you have an example of the "phantom words" phenomena. It's a midi-file that's been created of the song Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees. The file itself contains no vocal track whatsoever. It's purely synthesized piano notes.

However, you'll swear you're able to hear the Brothers Gibb singing, even though they really, really aren't. Later on in the video, you can hear the same effect with the song All Star by Smash Mouth from the excellent 2001 film Shrek.

If the Bee Gees aren't to your taste, here is the same effect but on a much better song – All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey.

If you know any of the songs there's a good chance you heard the vocal track, even though it wasn't there. However, if you didn't know the songs you probably heard nothing but piano. 

“This must be a very strong example of having the template and then invoking it,” Diane Deutsch, a cognitive psychologist at the University of California, told New Scientist, speaking about the Mariah Carey track.

“It seems like the brain abhors ambiguity and wants to make sense out of things, so we create for ourselves precepts of things that aren’t really there.”

Your mind imposes what you expected to hear on the music because you expected to hear it. In a separate experiment, as noted in this next video, Deutsch found that when listening to nonsense noises, your mind imposes words on the nonsense. Furthermore, the words you impose on the nonsense are affected by your mood.

In other words, what you hear, just like what you see, is strongly affected by what you're expecting to hear at the time. The first person to hear "I'm a big f*cking sl*t" probably heard so accidentally, but if you heard it on a viral post, you're only hearing it because you've been told to expect it.

Original Article : HERE ; This post was curated & posted using : RealSpecific

Article Source Here: This Viral Rihanna Illusion Is Seriously NSFW

This Viral Rihanna Illusion Is Seriously NSFW was originally posted by Celebrity news - Feed

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