Sunday, June 3, 2018

Mariah Carey’s Ex-Manager Sues Lawyer Over All Kinds Of Drama Surrounding The Pop Star

Lots of legal drama floating around Mariah Carey right now… but fortunately for the star, she's not (yet) involved in this one as she has been before!

Carey's former manager is suing a lawyer — who is also the ex-manager's cousin — over claims of bad business and bad-mouthing behind-the-back (to Mariah!) that allegedly cost the plaintiff millions of dollars!!

Related: Mariah Goes Public With Her Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis

Here's what is going on: Carey's ex-manager Stella Bulochnikov is suing the lawyer she claimed she hired two years ago, Zarina Burbacki — who is also Stella's cousin — after Stella says Zarnia misrepresented the extent of her legal expertise and more.

Stella says that, among other things, Zarina forged signatures on documents, changed contracts, spied on communications, and worst yet — made false and defamatory accusations about Stella to Mariah Carey, behind Stella's back!!

The lawsuit claims that there were at least two instances in which Zarina went to Carey about Stella allegedly stealing money and having a secret bank account (claims that Stella denies), including one serious sit-down in Connecticut back in 2017 (below):

"[Zarina] participated in a clandestine meeting with a client of Ms. Bulochnikov [Mariah Carey!] where they repeated the falsities they had been spreading about Ms. Bulochnikov concerning her purported self-dealing and theft and impugned her character and intentions as a talent manager … [in that meeting, Zarina] shared an illegally recorded telephone call between her and Ms. Bulochnikov, which was taken out of context to support her false, misleading and defamatory statements."


Ultimately, Stella says that all the lies, and surveillance, and drama ended up costing her and her husband more than $20 million. And we know Stella isn't afraid to sue and ask for damages!!

Related: Nick Cannon On Mariah Going Public With Her Bipolar Disorder

We'll see if this lawsuit leads to anything of substance

Thoughts, Perezcious readers?!

Let us know in the comments (below)!!!

[Image via Brian To/WENN.]

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Article Source Here: Mariah Carey’s Ex-Manager Sues Lawyer Over All Kinds Of Drama Surrounding The Pop Star

Mariah Carey’s Ex-Manager Sues Lawyer Over All Kinds Of Drama Surrounding The Pop Star was originally posted by Advices , News - Feed

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