Monday, June 11, 2018

The Mood Is Tense Tarek & Christina El Moussa’s Split Is Truly Playing Out On Flip Or Flop!

Flipping homes together clearly isn't easy for a divorced couple…

Fans were warned ahead of this season of Flip Or Flop that things would be different between Tarek El Moussa and Christina El Moussa — but whew boy, we were NOT prepared for all this drama on a home renovation show! LOLz!

In a new episode that aired on Thursday night, the momma of two said to the camera:

"Tarek always does this. He tries to shut me up because he thinks he can't get a word in and then he doesn't even have anything to say. That's our relationship in a nut shell."

Related: Bachelorette Contestant Apologizes For Social Media Controversy

When Christina went to take a walk to let off some steam after a disagreement over a patio cover, Tarek followed behind her for a confrontation, saying:

"First of all, you won't even let me say a word. Second of all, we have a house to do. What's the real problem then? Tell me."

To which she replied:

"There's absolutely nothing going on with me. I'm talking about designing the patio and you always interrupt."

Tarek fired back:

"You keep asking me about dating, you keep prying in my business, and I just want to be left alone. I can't come in here and do my job when you make me feel uncomfortable,. You make me feel uncomfortable. When you do that, it throws me off because I just want to live my life. I want to come here and do my job and I can't do my job if you don't let me talk, if you storm off. We're trying to fix a house. We can't do any of these things if you're gonna act like this."

Ultimately, Christina realized the reason for her short temper with Tarek, confessing:

"Sometimes I forget that I can't tease Tarek the way I used to. And maybe it's a coping mechanism for seeing him out there on the dating scene. I don't know, it's all new territory."

She later told him:

"I totally understand what you're saying. I should respect your boundaries. I swear I was just joking. I was just trying to make light of it. I won't do it again."

The mood is tense!!!

Ch-ch-check out even more HGTV dramz (below)!!

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[Image via Instagram.]

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Post Source Here: The Mood Is Tense Tarek & Christina El Moussa’s Split Is Truly Playing Out On Flip Or Flop!

The Mood Is Tense Tarek & Christina El Moussa’s Split Is Truly Playing Out On Flip Or Flop! was originally posted by Advices , News - Feed

Muellers Manafort Case Just Got Stronger, Former Prosecutors Say

U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller strengthened his case against Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort with new charges filed Friday.

He also stoked intrigue by adding a new name to his indictment against Manafort -- a longtime Manafort associate who prosecutors have said has ties to Russian intelligence.

The superseding indictment Mueller’s team filed in Washington builds on their previous allegations that Manafort did illegal lobbying work for Ukraine and laundered millions of dollars in proceeds. The U.S. is now charging Manafort and the associate, Konstantin Kilimnik, with obstructing justice and conspiring to get potential witnesses to lie about lobbying work they’d done for Ukraine. Each of the two charges carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

That brings the number of people Mueller has charged in his probe of election meddling to 20. Five have pleaded guilty. The latest obstruction charges bolster Mueller’s case by laying out the argument that Manafort had corrupt intent to hide his activities, according to former prosecutors.

He may also signal that he has another card to play. There’s no indication that Kilimnik is in the U.S. or would travel to face charges there. So indicting such a person may be part of a larger strategy, said Michael Koenig, a former Justice Department prosecutor now at Hinckley, Allen & Snyder.

“The charge alone against a guy who isn’t here and who they may never get doesn’t seem to have much value,” Koenig said. “It suggests it may be a chess move -- the consequences of which are yet unknown to everybody except Bob Mueller.”

Intelligence Ties

Kilimnik, who was born in eastern Ukraine and took up Russian citizenship after the collapse of the Soviet Union, studied English and Swedish at the Military Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense in Moscow, which is a training ground for interpreters who work for Russia’s military intelligence agency. After working in Moscow as an interpreter for the International Republican Institute, a Washington-based organization, he helped Manafort lobby for pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine.

Before Kilimnik was identified by name in charges on Friday, he had made multiple appearances in Mueller’s filings as an unidentified intermediary for Manafort. In some of those earlier filings, Mueller made references to a Manafort associate in Ukraine with ties to Russian intelligence. In one, Mueller cited an FBI assessment that those ties continued into the 2016 election. Bloomberg News and other media previously identified that person as Kilimnik.

Kilimnik, who didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment, has denied any links to Russian intelligence.

Latest Troubles

Manafort’s latest round of troubles started early this week, when Mueller’s team asked a judge to review his house arrest and to consider jailing him over an alleged attempt to influence witnesses.

Mueller’s accusations centered on work that Manafort arranged a half-decade ago to promote Viktor Yanukovych, a pro-Russian politician who was then Ukraine’s president. Manafort worked with a lobbying firm that enlisted former European politicians, the so-called Hapsburg group, who wrote articles and addressed U.S. politicians. Manafort didn’t register for the work he did on behalf of a foreign government in the U.S., in violation of U.S. law, Mueller said.

Encrypted Texts

Mueller initially laid out those accusations in a February indictment. Shortly after, Mueller’s team said this week, Manafort and Kilimnik called and sent encrypted texts to two public relations individuals, attempting to persuade them to characterize the pro-Ukraine lobbying work they’d done together as limited to Europe. Mueller, in a filing earlier this week, called it attempted witness tampering and asked the judge to consider jailing Manafort as he awaits trial later this summer.

Prosecutors said the two didn’t respond to the communications from Manafort and the associate, with one of them telling prosecutors he believed they were trying to induce him to commit perjury. The individuals shared communications with prosecutors, the government said.

Manafort’s lawyers responded to those allegations in a sharply worded filing late Friday, accusing Mueller of contriving "dubious allegations" of witness tampering and, in so doing, poisoning the jury pool ahead of his trials.

Thinnest Evidence

"The special counsel creates an argument based on the thinnest of evidence," wrote the defense team led by Washington attorney Kevin Downing. They said nothing governing the terms of their client’s pretrial release prevents him from having contact with anyone, that the apps, which encrypt messages, that Manafort used are commonplace and that he’d asked no one to produce a false affidavit or false testimony at trial.

Manafort was simply exercising his freedom to disagree with the special counsel’s legal theories, the attorneys said. They accused Mueller of conjuring up a "sinister plot" and said the allegations were intended to generate widespread -- and intensely negative -- media coverage of Manafort.

A judge is set to hear arguments on June 15.

By adding Kilimnik to the running charges against Manafort, Mueller bolsters his argument for tearing up Manafort’s bail deals, according to Peter Zeidenberg, a former federal prosecutor who is now a partner at Arent Fox LLP in Washington. Manafort’s lawyers would find the difficult work of trial preparation even more challenging with their client in jail, Zeidenberg said.

In addition, the formal obstruction of justice charges bolster Mueller’s overall case against Manafort. “The obstruction charge also buttresses the money laundering counts: Why would Manafort try and persuade someone to testify in a particular fashion if he did not believe he was guilty? This is strong evidence of consciousness of guilt,” said Zeidenberg, who prosecuted I. Lewis Scooter Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff.

Ukraine Work

Kilimnik worked for Manafort’s longtime business partner, Rick Gates, when they served as political consultants in Ukraine. Prosecutors have previously said Manafort and Gates secretly coordinated an extensive lobbying campaign in the U.S. to benefit Yanukovych before he fled to Moscow in 2014. Gates is cooperating with prosecutors against Manafort.

Manafort relied heavily on Kilimnik throughout his decade-long work in Ukraine. Fluent in English, Kilimnik was the main translator for Manafort during meetings with Yanukovych.

Mueller Draws Line to Russian Spy’s Work With Manafort and Gates

Manafort also turned to Kilimnik to try to resolve his ongoing dispute with Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch who is close to President Vladimir Putin. Deripaska had agreed to invest $18.9 million in a private equity deal led by Manafort to buy a Ukrainian cable company in 2007. The deal was the subject of a long-running legal dispute, with Deripaska claiming Manafort had defrauded him.

In the summer of 2016, Manafort emailed Kilimnik and told him to offer private briefings on the U.S. presidential campaign to Deripaska in an effort to resolve the dispute, people close to the situation have said. No meeting took place, the people said, and Deripaska has said he had no communications or interactions with Manafort during or after the presidential campaign.

In December, Manafort turned to Kilimnik to influence an editorial about their work in Ukraine being drafted by Oleg Voloshyn, a former spokesman for Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to filings. Mueller’s office produced emails that Manafort and Kilimnik had exchanged just days earlier containing drafts of the piece -- revealing that they had nearly real-time view on the pair’s correspondence. The work violated a court order preventing Manafort from trying his case in the press, prosecutors argued.

(Updates with Manafort response to tampering claim in 14th paragraph.)

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    Read More Here: Muellers Manafort Case Just Got Stronger, Former Prosecutors Say

    Muellers Manafort Case Just Got Stronger, Former Prosecutors Say was originally posted by Advices , News - Feed

    NASA is attempting to fly a helicopter on Mars for the first time

    Sunday, June 10, 2018

    ‘The Expanse’ is officially saved and headed to Amazon

    Image: alcon entertainment

    Another day, another streaming service swooping in to rescue a TV series that couldn't cut it on cable.

    For weeks, fans of Syfy's The Expanse have been held in suspense over the show's abrupt cancellation and subsequent hints of a pickup, a la Brooklyn Nine-Nine. That suspense is now at an end, thanks to Jeff Bezos.

    The Amazon founder and CEO summed up the situation succinctly during an appearance at the International Space Development Conference: "The Expanse is saved." The watching crowd, which included multiple members of the show's cast, erupted with cheers immediately.

    Alcon Entertainment, the production company behind the series, released a statement from the company's two co-founders: "We couldn’t be more excited that The Expanse is going to continue on Amazon Prime! We are deeply grateful that Jeff Bezos, Jen Salke, and their team at Amazon have shown such faith in our show."

    In a subsequent tweet, Alcon also thanked Laura Lancaster, who heads up the company's TV division.

    Now three seasons deep (and counting, thanks to Amazon), The Expanse is based on a series of sci-fi novels by James S.A. Corey, a pen name used by co-writers Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. It's set in a future where our solar system has been colonized, and the splintering of humanity across different planets (and non-planets) has created a unique set of socio-political tensions.

    The show has won wide critical acclaim for its smart, relevant writing, but that acclaim hasn't ever translated into a huge audience. 

    Ratings aren't everything, of course, but there's a business side to Syfy's cancellation as well. The cable network has limited ownership of the series, with no stake in the streaming rights. That places the emphasis in Syfy's investment on live broadcasts.

    The fact that Alcon retains ownership of The Expanse is also a big reason why the show will be allowed to live on. When Syfy moved to cancel, Alcon was then able to shop the series around in search of a new home. Fans responded with a hashtag (#savetheexpanse), a widely circulated petition, and a GoFundMe campaign to pay for an airplane banner.

    The show's Amazon pickup had been rumored — Bezos is reportedly a big fan — but now it's official. 

    Original Article : HERE ; This post was curated & posted using : RealSpecific

    Original Post Here: ‘The Expanse’ is officially saved and headed to Amazon

    ‘The Expanse’ is officially saved and headed to Amazon was originally posted by Advices , News - Feed

    Nearly Half of You Reading This Have Bullshit Jobs

    Saturday, June 9, 2018

    19 Times Teens Were Beyond Extra on Social Media

    Almost every day, I am reminded of just how lucky I was to be born in a time before social media had taken over many people's lives.

    I mean, sure, I chatted with my friends on AIM and succumbed to the Top 8 drama of MySpace, but for the most part, I escaped my teenage years unscathed.


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    Post Source Here: 19 Times Teens Were Beyond Extra on Social Media

    19 Times Teens Were Beyond Extra on Social Media was originally posted by Advices , News - Feed

    Rudy Giuliani Says Porn Stars Don’t Deserve Respect & Attacks Stormy Daniels’ Looks And Her Hot Lawyer Has Something To Say About It!

    On Wednesday during a panel in Tel Aviv, Israel, Rudy Giuliani claimed Melania Trump actually believes her husband never cheated on her — and used Stormy Daniels' looks and career as evidence! He said:

    "She believes in her husband, she knows it's not true. I don't think there's a slight suspicion that it's true, when you look at Stormy Daniels. [ick face]"

    Yeah. He made an "ick" face. For real. He continued:

    "I know Donald Trump. Look at his three wives, right? Beautiful women, classy women, women of great substance. Stormy Daniels? [derisive snort]"

    We swear you can hear laughter in the background right after he calls Trump's wives classy. Watch:

    He went on to say:

    "I respect all human beings. I even have to respect, you know, criminals. But, I'm sorry, I don't respect a porn star the way I respect a career woman or a woman of substance or a woman who has great respect for herself as a woman and as a person and isn't going to sell her body for sexual exploitation."

    And then outright that porn stars have no credibility:

    "Because the business you're in entitles you to no degree of giving your credibility any weight. And secondly, explain to me how she could be damaged. I mean, she has no reputation. If you're going to sell your body for money, you just don't have a reputation. I may be old fashioned, I dunno."

    Well, it didn't take Stormy's hot lawyer Michael Avenatti to respond (we're pretty sure he was already in the makeup chair of a news show).

    He called Giuliani an "absolute pig" and demanded an apology. Something tells us that isn't going to happen…

    "All women, regardless of their profession, deserve respect, and their credibility has nothing to do with whether they're a model, whether they're in the pornography industry, or anything of that nature."


    Far from apologizing, Giuliani doubled down on his comments Thursday morning, saying:

    "If you're involved in a sort of slimy business, [that] says something about you. Says something about how far you'll go to make money."

    This coming from the lawyer of a man who STOLE MONEY FROM A CHILDREN'S CHARITY!

    "Our real point about her is that she's not just generally un-credible, she's un-credible from the point of view of wanting to get money. She's a con artist."

    And that we're pretty sure opens him up to a defamation lawsuit. Oof.

    Something else interesting about Giuliani's glowing defense of Trump:

    "Trump is a real gentleman who respects his wife and loves his daughter and has a warm relationship with his ex-wives — that's not something I can say about everybody. I haven't heard a bad word about him from his ex-wives."

    "Loves his daughter."

    His daughter.



    Speaking of daughters, Avenatti has a response to that as well:

    "Giuliani wants to talk about daughters? Well, let me tell you something. I have two young amazing daughters, and regardless of what profession they may pick, and regardless of what they look like, ultimately if anyone were to ever make these remarks about them as women, I'd absolutely knock 'em out."

    Furthermore, Avenatti throws down another gauntlet:

    "If Rudy Giuliani is not fired immediately by this president, it is an outrage, and it should send a message to every woman in America about what this president thinks is acceptable."

    He quickly added:

    "If the Access Hollywood tape was not enough, this should be enough."

    See his entire response from Thursday (below):

    [Image via MSNBC/Sheri Determan/Michael Carpenter/WENN.]

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    Read Full Article Here: Rudy Giuliani Says Porn Stars Don’t Deserve Respect & Attacks Stormy Daniels’ Looks And Her Hot Lawyer Has Something To Say About It!

    Rudy Giuliani Says Porn Stars Don’t Deserve Respect & Attacks Stormy Daniels’ Looks And Her Hot Lawyer Has Something To Say About It! was originally posted by Advices , News - Feed
